A couple of weekends ago me and Alex made a day trip to Omberg which is next to the lake Vättern. What a nice day a beautiful place.
What a sunny day!
View from the top.
Alex handstands:
One of the things we brought to eat was chocolate balls, yummy. Mix dates, oats, cacao powder, some oat milk and then roll them in coconut shred. Delish!
The sky and the date
One of all the beautiful autumn sunsets, with sparking yellow, orange, red, pink and purple.
Me and Ali went on a date one day and then I was all dressed up with high heels and all ;)
We ate at a place called Rendez-Vous. They have a whole list of vegan dishes.
Lite thaimat.
Full söndag!
Last sunday we did many fun things. First we went to circus training at two o'clock. There is a group of people who meet every sunday and practise circus stuff. We learnt some new acrobatic tricks and also a trick on the silk, which you can see in the photos here: Super fun!
And then we went into town to join a vegan dinner event. It is a really nice thing called WeGoVego on facebook. People invite other people to their home and everyone bring some food and then you cook and eat together. It has become really popular here in Linköping and a girl who works at a cafe got the opportunity to rent the cafe on the sunday when it's closed. So she invited to WeGoVego at the cafe so there would be room for more people (than in a home).
Lots of colourful food.
It turned out really tasty and nice and we are already looking forward to anohter get together!
Verry berry
LiU(linköping' univercity)-race is a running race that takes place twice a year. Once in the spring and once in the autumn. Of cource I wanted to join in and see if it was fun.
Laddade upp med en färgglad lunch.
Started off with a colourful lunch.
I was wearing my own-made "Running on plants" shirt! :)
A bit of warming up under the close eye of the respected organizer Elin.
More warming up.
And some up side down warming up too of course!
I put myself in the front amongst the pros haha! You gotta believe in yourself right ;D
And off we went!
I ran as fast as a could and I felt like I was going to die sometimes!! I threw up as soon as I crossed the goal line haha! But go hard or go home they say :P I ran 5 km and finished on 23.16. Not bad for an untrained little vegan 8) I ended in 7th place out of the 75 girls who ran 5 km. Totally there was around 300 people running, what a party ;D
Thanks Alex for the photos!
Back to school
So I have started studying again. This time at Linköping university. Me and Alibaba moved down here a week ago. We rent a room in a house on a farm out of town. We live here with two girls, Emelie and Frida, four cats, two dogs, four horses and 600 pigs.
We like it here and I like spending time with the pigs. I want to give them lots of love during their short lives (about 6 months). They are very curious animals! They always come up and want to smell you. These pigs get to go outside now during summer time (1% of all the pig farms in Sweden have this system). When I walk around in the pig field they follow me and make little noises as if saying "Where are you going? What are you doing now? Wait a little..!"
We've bought a second hand moped that we get around with. Today was first day in school and we started with a math course. I like maths so it should be good.
Har inga bilder från skolan eller så. Och inga bilder från gården just nu, så ni får hålla till godo med dessa matiga bilder på sådant som vi har stoppat i oss senaste tiden! :)
Don't have any photos from school, so here is some photos of food we've been chewing on lately:
All this food had been thrown in the bin
Dans på Djäkneberget
A couple of weeks ago I was at Djäknaberget and watched my mum and other people dance. Super nice :D It is so good to see people going out just to dance. There was many smiles, laughes and good energy.
Bär och blommor
My mum has a nice garden with lots of berries and flowers. Johanna helps with the watering:
Mum is practising tricks with the dog Leia
It's flowering :) In the background is a big rose bush.
Back in Sweden we had some sunny days the first days. Lovely! We had a barbeque with the family. Here is one of the things I brough. A vegan "cheese" cake. Oh my god, it was good :)
The others liked it too :D
Johanna hade sprungit marathon den här dagen. Här fick hon vila benen lite ;)
The fire fighters <3
Johanna had run a marathon this day. Here she got to rest her legs a bit ;)
Aporna i trädet
One of the last days in France we put our hammocks up in this big beautiful walnut tree and slept there. Like two monkies :) It was perfect in the evening but in the night it got a bit cold.
Picnic place
And then the moon came out
Before we flew home we visited some family in Paris. Alex's cousine Stephane and his family. They have two super adorable daughters, twins, Pauline and Camille.
Last time we met them they were only little babies:
1:a juli flög vi hem till Sverige.
It's been a super nice trip :D
1st of July we flew home to Sweden,
Näst sista dagen i Durtal så var vi barnvakt åt Yves barnbarn. De hade kul ;)
The second last day in Durtal we were looking after Yves grandchildren. They had a good time ;)
Det var en pappa och hans son som var påväg till Angers då sonen skulle ta någon röntgenbild av sitt knä.
Now we are in Angers . We were going to take the bus here from Durtal . We had checked the bus schedual, and we got dropped off by Yves in the town and said goodbye . When we looked at the sign at the bus stop it turned out that they are still using the winter timetable , until 3rd of July! We had looked at the summer timetable of course , when we looked at the computer. So it turned out that there was no bus at 9 pm as we had thought. The next bus was at at 13:55 .....
Had no desire at all to wait that long so I put my thumb out and the THIRD car stopped and picked us up . Didn't have to wait more than 10 seconds.
It was a father and his son who were on their way to Angers for the son to get an x-ray of his knee .
Thanks for the ride , we said :D
Köpte en liten påse med bananer ;)
Bought a little bag of bananas ;)
Sista dagen här!
Today will be our last day here on the farm outside little Durtal in France. Tomorrow we move on and in not too long we fly back to Sweden.
Some photos form today:
Godmorgon mamihöna och kycklingar:
Good morning momma hen and chicks:
She has room for 14 of them under there(!)
She didn't take her eyes of me. Very protective <3
Marius is giving me his "You. Will. Pet. Me. Now."-look.
We went for a walk in the green forest
Said hello to some cows who were just hangin' out and chewing some grass
Utsikten från rummet, inte så dumt
The view from the room, not bad
Lite nytt
En höna här har nyss fått en hel drös med bäbisar. Hela 14 små kycklingar fick hon. De är ju lagom söta :)
I was out on a little photo walk today and here are a few photos:
Made some hummus, I'm pretty good at that if I may say so myself ;)
There is an older lady who comes here sometimes. She asked if we want some french lessons with her. So today we had our second lesson. Nice nice.
Except for endless weeding and eating strawberries straight from the strawberry platation we have also cleaned an old car today. Forgot to take a photo before, I promise it was dirty alright
Bon appetit!
Där vi är nu
Nu har vi varit på en och samma gård i Frankrike i över en vecka. Han som äger det här stället heter Yves (uttalas iiiiiiv). Han har väldigt många hönor och tuppar, över 100 stycken, han har även fyra några pensionerade mjölkgetter och ganska många hästar.
Det vi hjälper till mest med här är trädgårdsarbete. Vi har även blivit vän med hon som tar hand om hästarna, så vi brukar hjälpa henne att flytta hästar till olika hagar (då får vi rida barbacka, mysigt..:)
Now we have been in the same farm, in France, for over a week. The man who owns this place is called Yves (pronounciation: Eeeeve). He has got very many chickens and roosters, over a hundred, and four retired milk goats and quite a lot of horses.
What we are helping out mostly with here is gardening. We have also made friends with the girl who looks after the horses. So we help her with moving horses alot, to different paddocks (then we get to ride bareback, really nice..:)
Here's a bunch of photos that I've taken around the area here:
I pyrenéerna
The last few days we have spent on a small farm in the midst of the Pyrenees. We stayed in the home of four lovely individuals, Martha, Albert, Martha and Victor. Victor is the one who has lived there the longest and when he arrived there (8 years ago I think) there was nothing there except a stone ruin. So everything that is there they have built, step by step. It was beautiful! And spectacular views in every direction. They have a few goats, sheep, chickens, rabbits, cats and dogs. And a vegetable garden. We helped in the vegetable garden, with animals and some other things.
Alex, Martha and some of the sheep and goats on a small walk.
This baby goat is called Niña, and thay bought her from some goat factory. So she was very ill when she came to the farm (they bought three babies, but the other two died), and has no mother of course. Which has made her very attached to her human "parents". She is like a little dog, followis you around everywhere and is very social.
One of the cats and in the background some of the beautiful houses Victor and the others have built
One day we took a dip in the river. It was cold. So cold that it starts to ache if you stay in for more than 5 seconds.
Ohey! Here are some kittens on adventure!
Curious little creature
Safest close to mum
So, Niña and the two lambs don't have mothers, and the other goats and sheep don't want to give them their milk. So they need to be fed with bottle (with milk that is freshly milked from the goats).
Alex is pouring the warm fresh goat milk over to the bottle. When you have that bottle I can promise you are very popular.
Oak leaves is apparently delisciuos. According to her anyway.
One of the jobs we did was to gather and build these wood piles, from some trees they had cut down in the forrest.
This mountain is called 'the sleeping giant'. You can see why?
Toulon och Perpignan
Igår var vi i staden Toulon (efter tips från min kusin Elin) som ligger vid södra kusten i Frankrike. Där bodde vi hemma hos en öppen, generös och vänlig kille (Ronan heter han) som vi hittade genom Han älskar också dyking (scuba) så vi pratade massor om det. Vi tog med mat och åkte upp till toppen på ett berg där vi kunde se ut över hela Toulon. Vi hade en liten picknick där och fick sedan se när hela staden lyste upp på kvällen.
Yesterday we were in the town on Toulon (after a tip from my cousin Elin) which is located on the south coast of France. There we stayed with an open, generous and friendly guy (Ronan is his name) who we found through He also loves scuba diving so we talked heaps about that. We brought some food and went up to the top of a mountain where we could see all of Toulon. We had a little picnic there and then got to see when the whole city lit up.
Windy at the coast...!
Our bed (fold out couch) in Ronan's livingroom.
Last day in Fidenza
Hej igen!
Sista dagen i Fidenza åkte vi till en älv/bäck med Julie och hennes kompis. Det var väldigt grönt och fint och vi tog ett litet dopp. Det var uppfriskande!
The last day in Fidenza Julie took us to a beautiful river where it was very lush and green. We took a little dip in the water, very refreshing!
And the dog Pongo!
Here we are with Alex’s cousin Marie and her family. They cooked some delicious vegan meals for us a few times. It is so nice when people accept that we don’t want to eat animal products (because we don’t want to support suffering, slavery, torture and killing + many other reasons, like for example environment, health and more) and simply make something out of all the delightful natural products that come from the earth.
Efter maten hade vi lite akrobatikträning på gräsmattan med deras dotter Nadeshe. Har tyvärr inga bilder från detta! Men här är ett par bilder från lite inomhuslek där Nadeshe blev drottning :)
After the food we did some acrobatic training on the lawn with their daughter Nadeshe. Unfortunately I don’t have any photos from this! But here are a couple of photos from indoor playing where Nadeshe became queen :)
A photo from an outing with Michéle.
Communication with the help of some sign language :)
Fina Fidenza
For the last few days we have been in the small town of Fidenza. Here lives Alex's aunt and two of his cousines.
En utflykt till ett av alla omkringliggande gamla slott. Här drack man vin ur små skålar.
A daytrip to one of the old castles in the surrounding area. Here you drank wine out of small bowls.
Alex and his beautiful cousine Julie :)
Pizza night at the restaurant Julie works at