Big Beauty
Mr.Tree och hans vän Lee är de som startade Mondulkiri Project i Oktober 2013.
Här på Tree Lodge bor vi i en väldigt enkel och väldigt trevlig bungalow, med tak gjort av bambublad.
After a long bus ride, squeezed into the corner of a bus with 18 seats and 30 people, we arrived in Sen Monorom. We checked in to a place called Tree Lodge, owned by Mr. Tree.
Mr.Tree and his friend Lee are the ones who started Mondulkiri Project in October 2013
Here at Tree Lodge, we live in a very simple and very nice bungalow, with a roof made of bamboo leaves.
Så när Nungchal kom till Mondulkiri Project för ca en månad sedan var hon för smal. Nu har hon ätit upp sig ordentligt och är riktigt tjock och fin.
Yesterday it was 100 days since we left Sweden. Yesterday was also the day my grandmother was buried. Now she sleeps well, my beautiful grandmother.
Yesterday was also the day we got to meet a huge magnificent creature. The elephant Nungchal .
Mondulkiri Project is about helping the poor, indigenous people of Mondulkiri, and help the elephants in Mondilkiri province to survive and not to die out. The poor, indigenous people have no education, so the only way they know they can get money is by cutting down the forest and sell the timber . And by letting tourists ride on their elephants. There are a few schools that they can let their children go to, but they don't see the point in a school, because they can not "eat a school." They need food, and to get food every day they have to work every day, even the kids of course. And also the elderly, even if they are sick, otherwise they get no food to survive the day.
What Mr. Tree does to help is that he has agreed with the families in these villages about renting their forest. That way they get money without having to cut down the forest. He also rents an elephant, Nungchal , and plans to rent more . But it is expensive, $ 500 a month, so so far he has only one elephant. Nungchal used to work as a " trekking elephant". She was carrying tourists who wanted to do elephant riding. Elephants need to eat 200-300 kg of food every day, their favorite is bamboo. They spend about 22 hours out of 24 on eating. As everyone knows, this is not possible when the elephant has to work all day.
So when Nungchal came to Mondulkiri Project around a month ago, she was too skinny. Now she has spent houndreds of hours eating and has become really nice and fat.
To get the money to hire the forest and the elephant Mondulkiri Project organizes "Elephant Days" and " Jungle Trekking " for tourists. That's what we did yesterday. We paid $ 40 each as a contribution to the project and had a full day with the elephant in the jungle, and lunch.
Lunch was prepared by a Bunong family. (Bunong is the name of the indigenous people). That family has been offered an alternative to their old jobs (cutting trees and logging) through Mondulkiri Project. They get paid to stay in a newly built jungle house, and their job is to look after the house and prepare lunch for the tourists that do the Jungle Trekking and the "Elephant days".
Mr. Tree is working together with an Australian man named Lee. It was thanks to Lee that the project could start, because he had money. It is Lee who used his own money, the thousands of dollars needed to start the project, and to rent the forest and the elephant now when they still do not get enough money from the tourists.
Lee is now travelling around Cambodia putting up posters and stuff at different hostels and guesthouses around the country, to attract more tourists.
Like I said it is a new project. It started in Oct. 2013 and the elephant has only been here a month. So I really hope it succeeds, because it would be so good for everyone. Both the Bunong people and the elephants.
Här ser ni Alex och Mr. Tree. I bakgrunden är skogen som han hyr av Bungongfolket.
Here's Alex and Mr. Tree. In the background is the forest that he rents from the Bunong people.
Vilken fin dag Ni fick!
Tack för mormordikten och farfarfilmen, ett geni du är
Vicken skrynklig sötnos...
Å så håller jag med pu
Långt bort i djungeln, men ändå kan leverera både dikt o film
TACK Jessica
Vad härligt ni verkar ha det! Sjukt glad för er skull, sug i er av livet <3
Vilka otroliga resor, bilder upplevelser ni får vara med om. Detta kommer ni att ha glädje av hela livet.
Det är ju även ofattbart att vi kan sitta här hemma och följa er. Tack för allt och var nu rädda om er.
Jag kommer att sakna er på torsdag, men tänker på er.
Hoppas vi ses snart. Kära hälsningar farmor.
Farmor här igen. Ett hjärtligt tack för det fina du har skrivit Jessica, toppen. Vi kommer alla att sakna dig idag, men du finns i våra tankar. Sköt om er och var rädda om er. Kram farmor.