Näst sista dagen i Durtal så var vi barnvakt åt Yves barnbarn. De hade kul ;)
The second last day in Durtal we were looking after Yves grandchildren. They had a good time ;)
Det var en pappa och hans son som var påväg till Angers då sonen skulle ta någon röntgenbild av sitt knä.
Now we are in Angers . We were going to take the bus here from Durtal . We had checked the bus schedual, and we got dropped off by Yves in the town and said goodbye . When we looked at the sign at the bus stop it turned out that they are still using the winter timetable , until 3rd of July! We had looked at the summer timetable of course , when we looked at the computer. So it turned out that there was no bus at 9 pm as we had thought. The next bus was at at 13:55 .....
Had no desire at all to wait that long so I put my thumb out and the THIRD car stopped and picked us up . Didn't have to wait more than 10 seconds.
It was a father and his son who were on their way to Angers for the son to get an x-ray of his knee .
Thanks for the ride , we said :D
Köpte en liten påse med bananer ;)
Bought a little bag of bananas ;)
..i Angers, det ser ut som medeltida kärnkrafts
De där trädgårdarna i Anger har jag sett för 20 år sen :) har för mig att det var där iaf, när jag sommarjobbade i Sablé sur Sartre.