Aporna i trädet
En an de sista dagarna i Frankrike hängde vi upp hängmattorna i den här stora fina valnötsträdet och sov där. Som två apor uppe i trädkronan:) Det var helt perfekt på kvällen, men på natten blev det lite kallt.
One of the last days in France we put our hammocks up in this big beautiful walnut tree and slept there. Like two monkies :) It was perfect in the evening but in the night it got a bit cold.
One of the last days in France we put our hammocks up in this big beautiful walnut tree and slept there. Like two monkies :) It was perfect in the evening but in the night it got a bit cold.
Picnic place
Picnic place
Och så kom månen fram
And then the moon came out
And then the moon came out
Innan vi flög hem hälsade vi på lite familj i Paris. Alex's kusin Stephane och hans familj. De har två superhärliga döttrar, tvillingar, Pauline och Camille.
Before we flew home we visited some family in Paris. Alex's cousine Stephane and his family. They have two super adorable daughters, twins, Pauline and Camille.
Before we flew home we visited some family in Paris. Alex's cousine Stephane and his family. They have two super adorable daughters, twins, Pauline and Camille.
Sist vi träffade dem var de bara små bäbisar:
Last time we met them they were only little babies:
Last time we met them they were only little babies:
Det har varit en supergo resa :D
1:a juli flög vi hem till Sverige.
It's been a super nice trip :D
1st of July we flew home to Sweden,
1:a juli flög vi hem till Sverige.
It's been a super nice trip :D
1st of July we flew home to Sweden,